The PROTEC17 constitution committee continues their important work to revise the governing document of our union. Started as a Regional Executive Committee (REC) project in 2019, the first revision – to allow for electronic balloting – was voted on and passed by the membership in early March 2020, and then two additional amendments were voted on and approved in September, which implemented some housekeeping items and firmed up the policy for designating alternates to the REC.
The next round of proposed revisions will go to members for a vote in mid-November via electronic ballot to personal email addresses. If you need to update your contact information to ensure you receive a ballot, please email
The PROTEC17 constitution contains articles guiding the objectives, governance, membership, election procedures, policies, and more for our union. It is an instrumental document that sets the structure of our organization. The PROTEC17 constitution has not been heavily revised since 2011 when our members voted to disaffiliate from IFPTE, our international union.
The constitution committee – consisting of REC delegates Marc Anderson (King County), Rachael Brooks (City of Seattle), Ulysses Hillard (City of Seattle), Jake Jacobovitch (King County), Dan Santon (King County) and Sean Simmons (WSDOT) – is continuing to go through the document line-by-line to ensure it’s up-to-date and integrates and improves upon current technologies and processes.