Nominations are now open for the following PROTEC17 Executive Board positions: Greater Northwest Trustee (currently held by Jessica Garcia) and City of Portland Trustee (currently held by Emily Tabachnick). The terms are three (3) years and will expire in 2025. 


(1) Members at any employer except for the City of Seattle, the City of Portland, King County or the State of Washington are eligible to be nominated for the Greater Northwest Trustee position. Only members at the City of Portland are eligible to be nominated for the City of Portland Trustee position. The City of Seattle, King County and State of Washington Trustee positions will be up for election in ensuing years.

(2) To be eligible for nomination to an Executive Board position, a member must have been in good standing in PROTEC17 for a period of at least six (6) months immediately prior to the nomination.

(3) No member of PROTEC17 shall run for more than one Executive Board office concurrently.

(4) Nominations must be in writing by the person making the nomination, and must be at the PROTEC17 office, 2900 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite #300, Seattle, Washington 98102, by 5 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 5, 2021. 

(5) Names of all nominees, except those who declare in writing that they decline the nomination, will appear on the ballot.

(6) Candidates may submit a statement of up to 200 words and a photo of themselves. These will go out with the ballot and must be submitted to the union office by 5 p.m. on Mon., Oct. 11, 2021

(7) An electronic ballot will be emailed to each member in good standing at his/her last known email address.

(8) The ballots will be counted after 5 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 17, 2021.

To request a paper ballot, or if you have any questions regarding the election, please contact the PROTEC17 Election chair at: PROTEC17 Election Chair, 2900 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite 300, Seattle WA 98102, or