In November, Airport Duty Managers (ADMs) at the Seattle-Tacoma International (SeaTac) Airport – one of the largest airports in the country – voted to join together with the 9,000 professionals at PROTEC17 to have a voice in their working conditions and to fight for themselves, their families, and their communities.
This group of 15 members chose PROTEC17 over other unions with a larger airport footprint due to our reputation of representing and advocating for professionals in a variety of fields, including the ADMs at the King County Airport.
“I strongly believe in the possibilities that organizing can bring about in a community, and that working specifically with PROTEC17 would be a step in that direction,” said new ADM member Sariah Adviento.
ADMs are part of the beating heart of the airport, which functions as its own municipality, in many ways. Their duties include a variety of compliance and inspection functions, Emergency Plan activation, management of taxiways and runways, and acting as the primary point of contact for safety and operational issues at the airport 24 hours per day.
The ADMs come from a variety of aviation-related fields – from military to former pilots – making this group extremely knowledgeable and integral to the safe and efficient operations of this essential function of our local, national, and international economies.
Given that the SeaTac Airport falls under the jurisdiction of the Port of Seattle, this will represent a new employer for PROTEC17, and may open up other possibilities for membership growth and expansion at the Port.
The ADM bargaining team started negotiating their first contract on Dec. 3, alongside PROTEC17 Executive Director Karen Estevenin and Union Representative Sarah Lorenzini. The bargaining team is: Carlos Calderon, Sariah Adviento, and Geoff Smith. Their priorities are based off of a survey of ADM members in November, and include wages, benefits, paid leave, and other items. As negotiations with the Port continue – likely into the new year – ADM members will receive regular communications. Members can reach out to a member of the bargaining team, or Union Representative Lorenzini ( with questions and to get the latest updates.
“I believe that positive change towards more equitable working policies is within the grasp of our ADM group,” said Adviento. “I know the certification and contract bargining process can be arduous, but with the collective strength of my cohorts, I believe that we will be able to achieve our goals – one step and a time.”
Congratulations to the newest members of PROTEC17 on winning their union! Welcome to PROTEC17 – we are glad to have you, and we are stronger with your voices!