This fall, PROTEC17 began another strategic planning process to create a road map for our union for the next three years. Once complete, the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan will include goals and priorities that will guide us into the future. 

Our organization’s first strategic plan was created back in 2019, shortly after the arrival of Executive Director Karen Estevenin. As part of that process, thousands of members gave their feedback via surveys, Chapter meetings, focus groups, emails, one-on-ones, and more. The Regional Executive Committee (REC) and the Executive Board also played a pivotal role. 

With all of that input, PROTEC17 developed a mission statement, a vision statement, and three high-level priorities that guided our goals and objectives from 2020-2022. They were: grow our organization, develop and train member leaders, and elevate racial justice intitiatives. 

As we near the end of our first plan, the strategic planning committee is celebrating the many forward strides we were able to make as an organization, even as the pandemic threw us a wild curve ball at the very start of the plan. These successes include everything from organizing new members and improving our visibility, building a robust Steward and leader training program, and actively working to become an anti-racist organization through education and partnerships. 

The committee is now assessing the changing landscape, needs, and priorities of PROTEC17 members post-pandemic, and will be combing through over 1,600 survey responses and feedback from this October’s REC meeting (see more on next page) to shape the plan for 2023-2025 and determine the top priorities that members want to focus on for the next three years. 

The plan will be brought to the REC delegate body at their February meeting for adoption. If you didn’t have a chance to take the survey or give your feedback in Chapter meetings yet, please feel free to send your input to the committee at