Last fall, PROTEC17 began a process to create a new Strategic Plan for 2023-2025 that will guide us over the next three years. As part of that process, thousands of members gave their feedback via a membership-wide survey, Chapter meetings, focus groups, emails, one-on-ones, and more. The Regional Executive Committee (REC) also spent much of the October 2022 meeting brainstorming and providing input for the new plan, as did the PROTEC17 Executive Board. 

Since then, the Strategic Planning Committee has been combing through all of this input to form new priorities, goals, and objectives for our union. Several themes emerged during this process, and three priorities rose to the surface. They are: 1) Create a strong union identity and culture, 2) Build our political power and community connections, and 3) Strengthen member leadership programs and opportunities. Many members expressed their pride in the work that we did in our last strategic plan, and wanted to continue to build on this momentum. It is important to note that within all of these priorities, the committee will continually be looking through a racial justice lens to create goals and objectives under each priority. 

The plan was brought to the REC in February and was adopted by the delegate body. The planning committee will now move forward with developing the details of the plan, with measurable goals and outcomes. If you have questions or additional input for the committee, please reach out at: