2024 Endorsement Process for Ballot Initiatives and Statewide Candidates
In late 2023, our union brought together member leaders across jurisdictions to form PROTEC17’s Member Policy Workgroup (MPW). This member-powered group has convened regularly to discuss policy issues facing PROTEC17 members, make political endorsement recommendations, and support the advancement of our strategic planning priorities. This collaborative effort has been crucial in ensuring our policies are member-driven and address the needs and concerns of our community.
As we gear up for the 2024 election cycle, the MPW has made endorsement recommendations on two statewide initiatives as well as one local measure.
Statewide Ballot Initiatives
The MPW committee has recommended NO VOTES on two harmful initiatives appearing on the ballot this year.
I-2109; An Act Relating to Repealing the Tax on Capital Gains Income
Sponsored by State Representative Jim Walsh (R-19), this measure would repeal the capital gains excise tax imposed on long-term capital assets by individuals with capital gains over $250,000. Originally passed by the legislature in 2021, and upheld by the Washington State Supreme Court in 2023, the Washington State Capital Gains tax supports our state’s early learning and educational investments.
I-2117; An Act prohibiting all state agencies, counties, and cities from implementing any type of carbon tax credit, trading, etc.
Sponsored by State Representative Jim Walsh (R-19), this measure would prohibit carbon tax credit trading and repeal provisions of the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a state law that provided for a cap and invest program designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 95% by 2050. Originally passed in 2021, and championed by Gov. Jay Inslee, the CCA created a market-based cap and investment program to require the state’s largest polluters to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. The CCA created $1.8 billion in state revenue which has been reinvested across the state in numerous sectors. Repealing the CCA would gut our state’s budget resulting in catastrophic consequences for public sector workers and the communities we serve.
The committee has recommended a YES VOTE on one Seattle ballot measure.
I-137; An Employer Paid Excess Compensation Payroll Tax to Fund Social Housing
This measure would impose a 5% marginal tax on employers who purchase the labor of highly compensated workers above $1 million in total compensation. It’s important to note that employers would pay the social housing payroll tax, not employees.The money from the excess compensation tax would then be used to construct and acquire buildings for social housing, fund operations and maintenance of buildings, and staff up the Seattle Social Housing Developer (SSHD). The campaign is still working to gather the necessary signatures to get I-137 on the ballot this November. Our union will be working with the campaign to coordinate a few volunteering opportunities this summer, but if you’d like get a head start on supporting I-137, you can sign up to volunteer at an upcoming event here.
Members can expect our full list of candidate and initiative endorsements to be announced on the website later this summer. If you would like to serve on the MPW please feel to contact our Political Director, Brandon Hersey at brandon@protec17.org.