The 2025 Washington State legislative session began on Jan. 13 in the midst of a statewide hiring and spending freeze, and a predicted $10–12 billion dollar deficit to the general fund – an increase from earlier predictions. The transportation budget is also expected to face about a $2 billion dollar shortfall.  

While PROTEC17 members at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Department of Licensing (DOL), and the Washington State Patrol (WSP) are paid through the general fund, the money is funneled through the transportation fund, which pays for operations at all three of the State agencies we represent. At this early stage of session, we have no indications about how legislators will remedy the deficit, but we know that they may have to make tough decisions during this long session.

Right now, our priority is to ensure all current employees are safe from job reductions, and that our 2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement makes it into the final budget. The contract, ratified by members in late September and included in the Governor’s budget last fall, includes a three percent wage increase beginning July 1, 2025, and a two percent increase the following year, as well as additional market rate adjustments for certain positions, and many improvements to contract language and other benefits. The legislature’s approval is the final step needed to make sure these changes go into effect at the start of the new fiscal year.

PROTEC17 staff and member leaders are already proactively working on steps to mitigate layoffs and other impacts to members and state services, and to make sure legislators understand the importance of funding this contract. 

First, we are coordinating with labor and community partners to garner support for state members and their work; and we are already talking to legislators to ensure maintaining a strong workforce in the midst of budget obstacles is a priority. 

PROTEC17 also has a seat on incoming-Governor Bob Ferguson’s transportation transition subcommittee to ensure our perspectives and priorities are part of transportation budget considerations moving forward.  

Additionally, we maintain a seat – along with representatives from the consulting and contracting industry – as a stakeholder on a group that is mandated by the legislature to advise WSDOT on its business practices. The full report, in which we reiterate our priorities, has been provided to the legislature for their review. You can find a link to it here:

State members should keep an eye on their personal email for updates on the State budget and contract, and to be ready if we need to take quick and collective action in Olympia. In years past, PROTEC17 member testimony in the legislature has proved critical in making positive change and moving issues important to State employees forward. 

If you have questions about the budget, please reach out to your Union Representative. You can also get more involved in our political program – which includes advocacy at the State and local level on policy issues relevant to PROTEC17 members – by reaching out to our Political Director Mark Watson at or 206-328-7321 ext. 133.