Last year, PROTEC17 members took brave, bold action to continue moving our mission forward, and we were able to accomplish a lot of the objectives in our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. From big wins at the bargaining table and dozens of organizing victories, to engaging in meaningful collaboration on big picture issues impacting our communities, our union is taking the lead on building a new kind of worker-powered world.
“We have made tremendous progress on our three priorities over the last two years of our strategic plan,” said PROTEC17 Executive Director Karen Estevenin. “I am excited for the year ahead – to keep moving our plan forward, and to start thinking about what’s ahead for 2026-2028.”
The 2023-2025 Strategic Plan has been focused on three main priorities: creating a strong union identity and culture; building our political power and community connections; and strengthening member leadership programs and opportunities. As part of the plan, we held our first ever ‘Solidarity Summit’ where over 100 PROTEC17 leaders from across the PNW came together to connect and collaborate as we dream about what our union can be. We continue to grow, and have welcomed new members from Sound Transit to our union this year. We also launched our ‘Proud to Be PROTEC17’ video and campaign highlighting the amazing work that PROTEC17 members do for our communities as public service workers. And our political program grew exponentially this year, with dozens of members interviewing and endorsing numerous pro-worker candidates across Washington and Oregon. If you’re interested in joining these efforts, check out the PROTEC17 Workers’ Roundtable to help us with the upcoming legislative session!
We continue to build partnerships with Labor, legislators, and community to take action on a variety of issues. In 2025, State members will need to work with the legislature to ensure state jobs and services are preserved as Washington faces an incredible budget deficit. In King County, our coalition will continue to advocate for stable and permanent funding for Public Health clinics.
While we will still be working on the remainder of this plan’s goals and objectives in 2025, in the second half of the year, we will begin to look ahead to the 2026-2028 Strategic Plan. This summer, you can expect to see an extensive survey whose results will help shape our priorities for the next three years. We will also gather input and feedback in various other ways. Please keep your eyes peeled for more information on these efforts later in the year. And, as always, if you have additional ideas, information, or feedback on our priorities as we strive to reach our newest goals, you can reach out to the Strategic Planning Committee at