PROTEC17’s mission states “We are a member-powered union: inspiring action, advancing equity, building community.” In this moment — when we are witnessing an abuse of power and an all-out attack on working people and our communities — our mission gives me strength and keeps me grounded. We have experienced tough times like this before — we have fought the good fight and have come through it together. So now is not the time to agonize, but to organize.

In recent weeks, we have seen the U.S. presidential administration issue dozens of executive orders and proclamations that are contrary to our mission. These directives include eroding civil liberties, crippling federal agencies, threatening public funding, implementing mass deportations, abusing warrantless surveillance, undermining gender diversity, unleashing undue force on protestors, stripping away environmental protections, busting unions, and undermining worker protections, safety, wages, and fairness on the job.

Additionally, there has been a series of directives threatening and attacking federal employees. These are disrespectful and accusatory, and discount the contributions of the federal workforce and all public sector workers. On Jan. 27, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo implementing a freeze on all federal financial assistance programs. While the memo has since been rescinded, there are still plans to move forward with this halt on funding. This potentially impacts all PROTEC17 members, as Washington and Oregon state and most cities, counties, public health districts, and transit agencies receive funding, at least in part, through federal grants.

We condemn all of these outrageous, offensive and destructive executive orders. We are following them closely and reviewing them to figure out how they may impact PROTEC17 members and those in our communities. This includes joining with other Labor unions and community groups to understand the impacts and engage in direct, collective action to protect union members and working people. We are also connecting with employers to get more information and details of potential financial impacts to PROTEC17 workplaces.

Employees and all people, citizens or not, have rights on the job regarding having to provide information. If you are approached at work by a federal agent or immigration official requesting information or providing you with a warrant requesting information or entry into a workplace, you have the right to remain silent. We will be working with employers to share information, and to protect employees in the workplace. We will be supporting organizations that are putting on trainings so Stewards and members can support each other in the workplace.

As a union, we are committed to our values that every workplace needs to be welcoming and safe so people can do their jobs – including immigrants and refugees, women, transgender people, LGBTQ+ folks, people of all racial identities, people with disabilities, and people of every religion, or of no religion.

We are coordinating with Labor councils, community organizations, and employers in Washington and Oregon to create strategies to resist harms to working people, and we are working with employers to gather information on potential impacts of federal funding cuts. We will keep you informed as we find out more, through our website, emails, and chapter meetings. Please check our website or talk with your Union Representative for education and training opportunities on exercising your rights. We will continue to stand in solidarity to defend the integrity of the federal workforce, public workers, and community partners, and to fight austerity and freezes on funding and the erosion of public services.

As a union, we will continue speaking out boldly to protect the health and reproductive rights of all people, to fight oppression and racism locally, nationally and globally, and to stand in solidarity with union members across our region.

We are proud of our mission and the work we’ve done to move it forward. We will not go backwards, but continue to do the work to uphold strong workplaces and supportive communities. As union members, we deeply understand the importance of collective action and solidarity and know that together we can resist, fight back, and keep hope alive now and for our future.

In compassion and solidarity,

Karen Estevenin, PROTEC17 Executive Director