King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA)

Our members at KCRHA are compassionate and dedicated professionals who provide coordination, funding and policy response services for our unhoused neighbors in Seattle and King County.

Chapter Officers


  • President
    Claire Guilmette
  • Secretary/Treasurer
    Tony Machacha


  • Claire Guilemette

REC Delegates

  • Claire Guilmette

Union Rep

800-783-0017 ext. 107

First contract ratified by members!

Happy New Year! We are thrilled to announce that both the supervisor and non supervisor contracts passed UNANIMOUSLY! Our contract secures:

  • Just Cause
  • Guaranteed wage increases
  • Enforceable language to hold management accountable

On January 10, our contract will go to the Implementation Board for approval. A member of our bargaining team will be able to speak in support of its adoption. Our contract will go into full effect once it has been approved by both boards.

Once our contract is fully in effect, those of you that have already filled out a membership form will become Active Members of PROTEC17! Only our active members are able to take part in union trainings, receive union communications, and participate in labor management committees and union meetings. Fill out your membership form here!

We are hosting a Know Your Contract meeting open to all represented RHA employees. For more details, including how to join, please check your email or reach out to your Union Representative Regan McBride at or 800-783-0017 ext. 107.