On Sat., June 1, over 75 PROTEC17 member leaders gathered at the UW Tacoma YMCA for the ‘Solidarity Summit’ – a first-of-its-kind leadership workshop for our union. The all-day event created space for members to learn, grow, and connect with fellow leaders from across Washington and Oregon, and to collectively strategize about continuing to build our member-powered union.

Packed with inspiring speakers and valuable, practical tips, the Solidarity Summit agenda was kicked off by PROTEC17 Executive Director Karen Estevenin who welcomed members and provided inspiring remarks about building the union we want to become. Estevenin then introduced keynote speaker April Sims, the Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) Secretary-Treasurer. In her remarks, Sims reflected on her journey from a young single mom and low-wage worker to the first woman to hold the highest office at the WSLC. She also weaved a beautiful metaphor about the many ways to fly with the value of having a diversity of perspectives and ideas.

After the keynote, participants rotated through two workshops – How to Welcome New Members to Our Union, and a moving and powerful racial justice workshop called Unspoken Truths. The later workshop was hosted by Delbert Richardson, a community scholar, ethnomusuemologist, and second-generation storyteller of this national award-winning American History traveling museum. In his presentation, Richardson displayed tactile artifacts that tell the history of the enslavement and oppression of Black and Brown people in America, from authentic shackles to a KKK replica robe to Jim Crow signs. You can learn more about this powerful exhibit at www.unspokentruths.org.

During lunch, leaders had a chance to connect, then hear from a panel of Seattle members – Jamie Fackler, Amy Reichenbach, and Lisa Ueomoto – about their campaign for a fair contract last year. From building a contract action team, to organizing 6,000 signatures on a petition against a 1% COLA, to coordinating a rally of 1,500 Coalition union members at City Hall, to staging practice pickets, panelists spoke about how they were able to successfully engage members throughout the 18-month process, as well as some lessons learned to improve the process for next time.

After lunch, members gathered in their Chapter or area groups to talk about the issues and strategies that could mobilize their co-workers over the next year. With a plan of action in hand, members left the summit with new tools and a renewed enthusiasm to build better workplaces together.

“I was incredibly inspired by everyone’s passion for our union, and the thoughtful discussions around improving member’s experience and engagement,” said Rachael Brooks, PROTEC17 Executive Board President (pictured on the next page in the bottom-right corner).

In addition to attending the Solidarity Summit, some leaders (including several pictured on our cover!) were recorded for an upcoming video called Proud to Be PROTEC17. In it, members talk about what they’re proud of, why they chose public service, and how being in a union has improved their lives. Keep your eyes peeled for the video, slated to be released this September!

After the Summit, members gathered for a social event at nearby 7 Seas Brewing to connect and reflect. Many attendees, including guests from the City of Portland Professional Workers union, expressed their appreciation for the event, and are already looking forward to the next one!

PROTEC17 Membership Organizing Coordinator Brenna Stroup and the Strategic Planning Committee spent many hours ensuring the day was a success. We anticipate that this will become a regular event happening once every two to three years.

Both the Solidarity Summit and the Proud to Be PROTEC17 video were ideas generated during the 2023-2025 Strategic Planning process. In member surveys, meetings, and dialogue about our union’s priorities, building pride in union membership and expanding our leadership programming rose to the top, alongside fostering community and political connections. Now at the halfway point of the three-year plan, we continue to make great strides towards our goals and objectives.