King County CAT Meeting (Virtual)
ONLINE MEETING ONLYInstead of our monthly King County Steward Meeting, our Contract Action Team (CAT) will get together as we prepare for contract negotiations! Join your fellow with union siblings and member [...]
Instead of our monthly King County Steward Meeting, our Contract Action Team (CAT) will get together as we prepare for contract negotiations! Join your fellow with union siblings and member [...]
PROTEC17 King County Chapter members, we are starting monthly chapter meetings every fourth Wednesday of the month from 12-1 p.m. via Zoom. Join your fellow union siblings for our next [...]
Join your fellow Seattle Stewards for your next Seattle Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, keep up to date, build power together, and more. Open to all Seattle Stewards! Please [...]
Join your fellow Seattle Stewards for your next Seattle Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, keep up to date, build power together, and more. Open to all Seattle Stewards! Please [...]
We are offering TWO $3,000 scholarships offered to a child, grandchild, or dependent of an active PROTEC17 union member who is continuing education beyond high school at a college, university [...]
Please join your fellow PROTEC17 Portland Chapter members for a chapter meeting. Please note that first Tuesday meetings have a hybrid option. Check your personal email or the Member Portal [...]
Join your fellow PROTEC17 Seattle members for your next chapter meeting! For full details, including how to join, please check your personal email or the Member Portal events page HERE. [...]
PROTEC17 Portland members! You and your loved ones are invited to our union summer social on Thurs., Aug. 8 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Hawthorne Asylum Food Carts (SE 10th [...]
PROTEC17 King County Transit non-coalition bargaining is starting up! If you are in the Transit Admin, Chiefs, or Superintendents units, this is you! Join your fellow union siblings for your [...]
Instead of our monthly King County coalition bargaining Contract Action Team (CAT) meeting, join us for an in person happy hour! We will get together on Tues., Aug. 13 from [...]
Join your fellow WSDOT members for our next chapter meeting! Detailed information on how to join this online meeting, including how to get into the meeting, can be found in [...]
East-side members! Join your fellow union siblings for a fun Labor Day Union Night on Sat., Aug. 17 -- bonus Marvel theme and fireworks! The game starts at 6:35 [...]
Unlock the power of effective union organizing with our organizing conversation training! Learn how to communicate effectively, build trust, and use strategic storytelling to inspire and engage your coworkers to [...]
Please join your fellow PROTEC17 Portland Chapter members for a chapter meeting. Check your personal email or the Member Portal events page here for more details, including how to join. [...]
Instead of our typical monthly third Tuesday meeting, join your fellow PROTEC17 Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) members for our next chapter meeting Tues., Aug. 27 at 12 p.m. Please [...]
Unlock the power of effective union organizing with our organizing conversation training! Learn how to communicate effectively, build trust, and use strategic storytelling to inspire and engage your coworkers to [...]
PROTEC17 King County Chapter members, join your union siblings for our monthly chapter meetings every fourth Wednesday of the month from 12-1 p.m. via Zoom. For full details, including [...]
PROTEC17 King County Medical Interpreters/Translators! Please join your fellow union siblings for a virtual meeting on Thurs., Aug. 29 at 5:40 p.m. We will provide an update and discuss [...]
Calling all PROTEC17 State members! Join your fellow union siblings for our Contract Action Team (CAT) meeting on Thurs., Aug. 29! The CAT is essential for supporting our Bargaining [...]
MLK Labor Council will host a designated area for #UnionNight at University of Washington (UW) Husky Stadium for Labor Day! We'll tailgate at 6 p.m. on the east side [...]
Join at Pierce County Central Labor Council's Labor Day memorial ceremony for the late Ralph Chaplin (1887-1961), a longtime labor activist, poet, author, organizer, and songwriter who wrote the [...]
The NW Oregon Labor Council is hosting their annual family festival. This year, they are seeking artists, makers, produce growers, and others to sell their wares in a craft [...]
The Pierce County Central Labor Council and Washington State Federation of State Employees (WFSE) Local 793 are co-hosting a FREE Labor Day BBQ down in Lakewood, WA! There will [...]
Please join your fellow PROTEC17 Portland Chapter members for a chapter meeting. Please note that first Tuesday meetings have a hybrid option. Check your personal email or the Member [...]
Not sure what all a steward does? We’re here to help! Join your fellow PROTEC17 union stewards for Steward Training – Part I! We’ll discuss the many roles of [...]
Join your fellow PROTEC17 Department of Licensing (DOL) Revenue Auditors for our upcoming meeting on Wed., Sep. 4 from 6 - 7 p.m. Please check your personal email or the [...]
PROTEC17 King County Transit non-coalition bargaining is starting up! If you are in the Transit Admin, Chiefs, or Superintendents units, this is you! Join your fellow union siblings for [...]
Join your fellow WSDOT members for our next chapter meeting! Detailed information on how to join this online meeting, including how to get into the meeting, can be found [...]
Join your fellow PROTEC17 union stewards for Steward Training – Part 2! We’ll dig deeper into activating new members, how to organize your coworkers, and how to take action [...]
PROTEC17 City of Tacoma members, join your fellow union siblings for our next chapter meeting. Please check your home email or the events page in the Member Portal events [...]