Seattle Update Meeting (Virtual)
ONLINE CHAPTER MEETING VIA ZOOMDue to technical errors at the Chapter Meeting on Thurs., March 9 the PROTEC17 Seattle Chapter will be having another chance to share updates to those who did not get to [...]
Due to technical errors at the Chapter Meeting on Thurs., March 9 the PROTEC17 Seattle Chapter will be having another chance to share updates to those who did not get to [...]
Detailed information on how to join the online chapter meeting is emailed out to members usually around a week before the meeting, followed by a reminder email the day before [...]
Join your fellow King County Stewards for our next King County Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, learn about the new Steward Corner on the Member Portal, [...]
The Asian Pacific American Labor Association (APALA), AFL-CIO is hosting their annual banquet on Fri., March 17 at 6 p.m. This year the theme is, “Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific [...]
PROTEC17 Seattle member leaders (chapter officers, stewards, activists, etc.,)! Join together with your fellow union siblings from the Seattle Coalition of City Unions (CCU) IN PERSON on Tues., March 21 [...]
Join your fellow Portland members for a union social at Wayfinder Beer (304 SE 2nd Ave). We'll gather outside on the heated patio and will be kid friendly, so bring [...]
Join your fellow Seattle Stewards for your next Seattle Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, keep up to date, build power together, and more. Open to all Seattle Stewards! Please [...]
Today is Transgender Day of Visibility! We celebrate our transgender and non-binary members and community, and continue to work towards a world free of discrimination and violence against our trans [...]
This is not an April Fools prank - we’re hosting Steward Training on a Saturday! Join your fellow PROTEC17 members on Sat., April 1st for Steward Training – Parts 1 [...]
Join us for our Communications Spring Series! Hustle is a texting platform that makes sharing info easy! Learn how to be an “agent” and help connect to your co-workers about [...]
Please note that all first Tuesday meetings now have a hybrid option. Detailed information on how to join the online chapter meeting is emailed out to members usually around a [...]
Not sure what all a steward does? We’re here to help! Join your fellow PROTEC17 union stewards on Wed., April 5 for Steward Training – Part I! We’ll discuss the [...]
Happy National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 9-15)! Grateful to all PROTEC17 members who help to keep our community safe! 💙
Join us for our Communications Spring Series! Haven’t registered for the Member Portal yet? Registered but don’t know what all it has to offer? No problem! Join us for a [...]
First time being a union member? Been a member for awhile, but not sure what PROTEC17 does? Join us for a quick Union 101 training to learn more about your [...]
Join your fellow PROTEC17 union stewards on Wed., April 12 for Steward Training – Part 2! We’ll dig deeper into activating new members, how to organize your coworkers, and how [...]
Detailed information on how to join this online meeting will be emailed out to members one week prior to the meeting, followed by a Reminder email the day before the [...]
Please check your home email or the events page in the Member Portal for all the details and online log-in information. See you at the meeting!
Join your fellow PROTEC17 Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Treatment Services members for a meeting to further discuss Health Care Authority (HCA) funding. We will meet on Wed., April 19 [...]
Join your fellow PROTEC17 Seattle members for the next chapter meeting! Detailed information on how to join the online chapter meeting is emailed out to members' personal emails. You can [...]
This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 17-21), emphasizing the importance of practicing caution in work zones. We're proud to have workers in this field, but acknowledge the [...]
Join us for our Communications Spring Series! Do you want to support your union and happen to have social media? Attend our session on how to amplify our pro-worker messages [...]
PROTEC17 Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) Supervisors (or anyone else who has input on the supervisor language) to a meeting on Tues., April 18 at 12 p.m. noon to discuss contract [...]
PROTEC17 King County Chapter members: join your fellow union siblings for our next chapter meeting. Please see your email or the Member Portal events page for full details, including how [...]
Detailed information on how to join the online chapter meeting is emailed out to members usually around a week before the meeting, followed by a reminder email the day before [...]
Join your fellow King County Stewards for our next King County Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, learn about the new Steward Corner on the Member Portal, [...]
PROTEC17 Pierce County chapter members! Join your fellow union siblings for a meeting, discussing survey results and proposals for our next contract.
PROTEC17 Pierce County chapter members! Join your fellow union siblings for a meeting, discussing survey results and proposals for our next contract.
Join your fellow Seattle Stewards for your next Seattle Steward Monthly Meeting! Come meet Stewards from other departments, keep up to date, build power together, and more. Open to all Seattle Stewards! Please [...]