Get involved!

PROTEC17 is a member-led, member-driven organization. Whether it’s at your workplace, in union meetings, or at the policy-making level, you can help to strengthen workers’ rights for you and your co-workers, your fellow union members, their loved ones, and our communities.

PROTEC17 members come from a variety of backgrounds/identities and bring a multitude of capacities. There are a bunch of opportunities for PROTEC17 members to participate and lead, both union-wide and chapter-specific. Some roles have greater leadership responsibilities, while other positions are a little more flexible. No matter where you are on the introversion/extraversion spectrum, your previous experience, and/or the capacity you have — there is something for everyone! Checkout the opportunities below to see how you can join your fellow union siblings and get involved! ✊

Union-wide opportunities

The Executive Board poses for a picture at their 2022 retreat. They are standing on an outdoor deck/staircase at a park, with beautiful green foliage in the background.

Executive Board Member

The Executive Board consists of six regional member positions, including three officer positions: President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer – and three Trustees, plus the Executive Director. These roles are elected regionally to promote a board that is diverse and holistically representative of all members and interests of PROTEC17. The Board meets monthly, and as needed, to provide policy guidance, support, and oversight for the union between meetings of the Regional Executive Committee (REC). Please reach out to your Union Representative if you are interested in being nominated and/or elected for next cycle’s Executive Board.

Seattle Members post with Lawmakers at Seattle City Hall. They are wearing their bright turquoise PROTEC17 shirts and beaming with bright smiles.

PROTEC17 Workers’ Roundtable

The PROTEC17 Workers’ Roundtable aims to bring PROTEC17 Members together to collaboratively develop, review, and propose policies and legislation that enhance the professional and personal well-being of all PROTEC17 members. This work group will focus on addressing issues and concerns that impact the diverse workforce represented by PROTEC17, with the aim of fostering a fair, inclusive, and supportive work environment for all members. To learn more, visit: reach out to Political Director, Mark Watson (

The PROTEC17 logo is at the top followed by the text, "Neurodivergent Member Leader Group." There is a colorful illustration of a brain with flowers and sprouts blooming from it.

Neurodivergent Member Leader Group

Started by a brilliant Steward from the Portland Chapter, this newly formed group is currently figuring out what they want this group to look like. This collective has provided a place of connection and support for member leaders who identify as neurodivergent and want to be a leader in their workplace — brainstorming ways to highlight their capacities and overcome challenges/barriers. Please reach out to Internal Membership Organizer, Brenna Stroup (, if you are interested in joining and helping to decide the future of this amazing group!

Chapter-specific opportunities

The 2024 Seattle Chapter Officers stand in front of the PROTEC17 wall at the office. From left to right is Jessica, Melissa, and Rob. They are all smiling and standing together.

Chapter Officer

There are a variety of chapter officer roles available, titles differ slightly per chapter (e.g. One chapter might have a Secretary and a Treasurer, while another chapter might have one person serve as a Secretary-Treasurer). To find more details on each role click HERE. Please reach out to your Union Representative if you are interested.

PROTEC17 Seattle Stewards stand with. Union Representative Kaite at Seattle City Hall. They are all standing in from of amber-colored glass with pictures of famous areas around Seattle. Everyone is smiling and some folks are holding up fists raised in solidarity.


Stewards are “official agents of a union” who serve as trusted leaders in their workplace and a connector between coworkers, your employer, and your union. The capacities of a Steward range drastically, depending on the chapter and individual. Please note that every chapter has MULTIPLE Stewards. Please reach out to your Union Representative or our Internal Organizing Coordinator, Brenna Stroup ( if you are interested.

All of the REC member leaders who won awards are standing together with PROTEC17 President Rachel Brooks and Executive Director Karen Estevenin. The PROTEC17 podium is pictured to the left that reads, "Professional and Technical Employees Local 17."

Regional Executive Committee (REC) Delegate/Alternate

The REC is the policy-making body of PROTEC17. Elected representatives from all chapters – approximately 100 members across 20 chapters — meet twice per year to address policy issues and conduct the business of our union. Please reach out to your Union Representative if you are interested.

Spokane Regional Health District member Nick stands with other labor leaders as a Labor Council Delegate. He is wearing a long sleeve PROTEC17 shirt and is smiling. Everyone is standing in front of union t-shirts hung on the wall.

Labor Council Delegate

In some chapters, union members can serve as elected delegates on their regional labor council, which is a collective organization that brings together unions from a variety of industries to take action on local issues, together. Typical responsibilities for a delegate might look like: attending regular council meetings, staying current on issues and events in region’s labor movement, and voting on actions and motions that are aligned with your chapter’s priorities and values. Please contact your Union Representative to check if your chapter is involved in a regional labor council and if you are interested in getting involved.

People are sitting around large conference tables for a Labor Committee Meeting (LMC).

Labor Management Committee (LMC) Member

Some chapters hold positions on regional labor councils. This delegate attends council meetings and stays current on issues and events in the broader labor movement in the area. Please contact your Union Representative if you are interested.

The Chelan-Douglas Health District (CDHD) bargaining team from 2023 stands together on a paved walkway with a beautiful green tree in the background. Everyone is smiling and showing positive hand gestures like thumbs ups.

Bargaining Team Member

Members of the “bargaining team” are a courageous group of coworkers who negotiate their contract with their employer. These members fight for a strong contract for ALL by keeping their bargaining unit’s priorities in mind — not just their job classification or department — pushing for better contract language, pay, and benefits. The team typically includes your staff Union Representative(s) and union members from your bargaining unit. Depending on the size of your bargaining unit, the team might be anywhere from one to 15 or more members! Please reach out to your Union Representative if you are interested in getting involved.

Picture of Seattle CAT Team.

Contract Action Team (CAT) Member

The Contract Action Team, or CAT for short, is a team of leaders committed to mobilizing their fellow members and colleagues during contract negotiations. This can include sharing and communicating bargaining updates, participating in text or phone banks to invite members to actions, taking a lead role at contract events and meetings, distributing flyers or other materials, encouraging coworkers to vote on the contract, and brainstorming ways to get members more involved. The position is similar to a Bargaining Team member but is more focused on outreach and mobilizing coworkers vs. participating in contract negotiations. If you are starting/in contract negotiations, please reach out to your Union Representative if you are interested in getting involved.

The Young Members of PROTEC17 (YMP) leaders meet to plan upcoming events.

Young Members of PROTEC17 (King County Chapter ONLY)

Young Members of PROTEC17 (King County Chapter ONLY) – This fun group of 35 and under members join together semi-regularly to build community with fellow young workers with big dreams for the future of the labor movement. The group also provides a place to just kick back and just socialize as well! We are currently looking for King County members to help co-lead this group, please reach out to Union Representative, Alex Il ( if you are interested.

How do I find my Union Representative?

Easy! Just head to our Members Page HERE and click on your employer logo. You will be taken to your chapter’s homepage where you can find your Union Representative(s) and their contact info.