Legislative Priorities
Each year, PROTEC17 members focus their energy on several policy and funding priorities during the State Legislative sessions in both Washington and Oregon. Guided by these priorities, we support legislation that lifts up the work of PROTEC17 members (transportation, public health, etc.), union rights, and/or broader worker issues that directly impact the lives of PROTEC17 members.
Legislative Session Updates
Ways to engage in the Legislative Process
The best way to engage with your legislators is to directly connect with them! Remember, they are there to represent YOU in the legislature! Senators and Representatives truly do want to hear from their constituents about the issues that are directly impacting you and your families during the legislative session and beyond. In addition, you can voice your support or opposition for policy and budgetary bills during the session. And with new remote options to submit public comment and testimony, it is easier than ever to make your voice heard!
In Washington
Use the button below to find out which district you live in, and who your WA State legislators are. These are the folks you can contact to make your voice heard.
Use the button below to learn how you can submit written comment or register to give public testimony on bills during the Washington legislative session. You can also reach out to PROTEC17 Political Director Brandon Hersey with questions or for assistance with submitting testimony.
In Oregon
Use the button below to find out which district you live in, and who your OR State legislators are. These are the folks you can contact to make your voice heard.
Use the button below to learn how you can submit written comment or register to give public testimony on bills during the Oregon legislative session. You can also reach out to PROTEC17 Research Director and Oregon Legislative Advocate Elliot Levin with questions or for assistance with submitting testimony.

PROTEC17 Department of Licensing member Ruth Daniel testifying virtually in the WA Legislature in 2023.
How does the Committee/Bill process work?
- After getting a hearing before a committee, a bill must be voted out of that committee to move to the next step in the legislative process. However, Chairs of committees can decide not to vote on things, which makes legislators who chair committees really influential in deciding which bills move on or not.
- More often than not, committee chairs will only schedule votes on bills they already know will pass. Bills without enough support will never make it to committee.
- If a bill does make it out of the first committee and has what’s called a “fiscal note” attached to it, it then gets sent to a fiscal committee. “Fiscal notes” are attached to bills that either cost money or bring in money—and the fiscal committee is where legislators consider a bill’s impact on the state budget.
- Bills must go through this process in both the House of Representatives and the Senate with corresponding bills.
- After moving through these steps, the final passage is through the governor’s office.